February 2025
February comes from the Latin word februa, which means “to cleanse.” It was named after
Februalia, the Roman festival of purification, which was a month-long festival of purification
and atonement that took place this time of year. For the Scottish Rite, Valley of San Diego, this
month marks the beginning of our own activities.
Heads up, lovebirds! February 14 is Valentine’s Day. This day is celebrated with love, flowers,
and chocolate. Brethren do not forget this day. You will never hear the end of it if you forget your
responsibilities on this day! As a quick note: Even though so many roses are sold during this
special day, the violet and the primrose are the symbolic flowers for the month. The violet
signifies watchfulness, loyalty, and faithfulness. Give a violet to someone to let them know that
you will always be there for them. The primrose lets someone know that you cannot live
without them.

Please note that February 17 th is Presidents’ Day and is a federal holiday. The office will be
closed on this day.
Finally, February 26 th is our first SGIG Advisory Conference in 2025. All members are invited
to attend this event where we learn more about the activities in our Valley for the coming
months. Please plan to attend this informal event.
My congratulations to the newly installed officers of San Diego Scottish Rite. Let us have a great
year ahead.
“Life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences, but rather a tapestry of
events that culminate in an exquisite sublime plan.” -- Serendipity 2001 Film
Rudy Nobleza, 32°
Venerable Master
2025 Officers

Congratulations to our new officers who will lead the Scottish Rite Bodies in 2025.
From left to right:
Master of Kadosh: Fernando A. Lopez-Castillo, 32°
Commander: James J. Achenbach, KCCH
Wise Master: Rodrigo E. Cuevas, 32°
Venerable Master: Rodolfo "Rudy" F. Nobleza, 32°
For a list of all officers, visit Officers or Valley of San Diego Bodies.

The Scottish Rite Center
Enjoy some photos of the Scottish Rite Center as it came to life over years of planning and construction. We will add more as each room is furnished and begins to fulfill its purpose.
We expect this building to serve the San Diego Masonic community for a very long time.
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Learn more about the Perfect Donor Program and how you can make a difference in the life of a child