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September 2024

Hello, September! Welcome to fall season in San Diego. As usual, we continue to experience the hot days, but we are hoping that things will start to cool down soon. However, that is not the case for our Scottish Rite Valley. September is the start of our “hot” season. September is “cool” in terms of public/fraternal events but believe me when I say that the Scottish Rite Masonic Center is abuzz with many of the brethren meeting to prepare for the upcoming Fall Class/Reunion in October. The degree teams are hard at work practicing their craft and the committees associated with the reunion are also meeting to organize their areas of responsibilities. Kudos to all of them and their hard work!


In our September Stated Meeting, we celebrated the Feast of Tishri. Thanks to Illustrious John McQuown, 33° for putting this program together. Illustrious Melvyn Stein, 33°, PGM was our speaker. He gave us information about the Feast of Tishri and its meaning to Scottish Rite Masons. Thank you to all who participated in this program. Please do not forget to participate in our upcoming events in October. They are:


  • Stated Meeting on October 2nd – Knights of the Double Eagle Awards

  • Scottish Rite Information Night on October 9th

  • Fall Class/Reunion on October 18th and 19th

  • Orientation on October 30th New Member Orientation


Finally, please do not forget to support our RiteCare Childhood Language Center when they sponsor The Traitor play on Saturday, November 9th . This is a fundraiser benefiting our CLC and features a dinner and a play. Please see details on this website.

For all these events, please make your reservations by calling the office or through this website. We need reservations so we can plan accordingly.

Please pass on this information to other members. If you have any questions, please contact the office via phone or email.

NOTE:  As a member, if you have not been receiving emails from Scottish Rite and wish to do so, please provide us with your latest email address by calling the office.



JoJo Quimpo, 33°

General Secretary

Scottish Rite Valley of San Diego

(619) 293-4888

The Scottish Rite Center

Enjoy some photos of the Scottish Rite Center as it came to life over years of planning and construction. We will add more as each room is furnished and begins to fulfill its purpose.


We expect this building to serve the San Diego Masonic community for a very long time.

The Traitor Play

The Traitor Play is a unique Masonic interpretation of the relationship between George Washington and Benedict Arnold. Benedict Arnold is possibly the most famous traitor in American History. We all learned about him in school as well as the mighty deeds of George Washington.


The play focuses on impact of his treason on his Masonic principles, his relationship with Washington, the famous American statesman and general, and a search for forgiveness.


The amount of effort and rehearsal to perfect this presentation is impressive. We wanted to present it again in our new building within a real Lodge Room, not a stage. The play is preceded by a Beef Wellington dinner with the cast in costume and character. You may find George Washington sitting at your table and discussing his view of the world. The CLC Board of Directors will also be in period costumes. Feel free to wear your best red, white, and blue!


This is a fundraiser for the RiteCare Childhood Language Clinic of San Diego. All proceeds will go towards meeting our annual financial goals. This is our last fundraiser of the year. Please make a reservation today and help us make this a sell-out event.

Be a Perfect Donor

Learn more about the Perfect Donor Program and how you can make a difference in the life of a child

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 October Stated Meeting
October 2nd at the
Scottish Rite Center

6:00 PM 
Make a Reservation
Read the Bulletin!
Bulletin and Stated Meeting
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