January 2025
Happy New Year! As we begin a new Scottish Rite journey in 2025, may the road lead us all to new adventures, new friends and brothers, good health, and lots of happiness. As is our norm, the Scottish Rite, Valley of San Diego, begins the new year with the Pike Awards Night during our January Stated Meeting dinner. This is our “Oscar” night and is the time when we honor the hard work and dedication of our brethren in putting on the degrees during our spring and fall class reunions in 2024.
The installation of the new officers is scheduled for Wednesday, January 15, 2025. Dinner will start at 6pm followed by the installation of officers. Please make sure you attend this formal evening and help support our new leaders for 2025. Do not forget to make your dinner reservations by calling the office or through this website.
Our February 1 st , 2025, Robert Burns Supper is in the works. The RiteCare Childhood Language Center of San Diego will be the beneficiary of this event. The event committee is hard at work. We will be having lots of fun and hope that you will be able to attend this wonderful Saturday event. You can get your tickets here. Suggested donation is $50 per person. Please pass on this information to other members who you know do not have email access. If you have any questions, please contact the office by phone or email.
NOTE: As a member, if you have not been receiving emails from Scottish Rite and wish
to do so, please provide us with your latest email address by calling the office.
Please stay safe and healthy.
JoJo Quimpo, 33°
General Secretary
Scottish Rite Valley of San Diego
(619) 293-4888
9th Annual Robert Burns Supper
"He is Scotland’s bard and renowned the world over as the rustic man of letters whose verses would go on to inspire a nation in the centuries after his death.
Burns was not only a prolific writer, but also a dedicated Freemason throughout his adult life, serving as Senior Warden of Lodge St Andrew, Dumfries, until his death in 1796, with earlier powerful masonic connections also in Edinburgh and Ayrshire.
His Masonic affiliations even influenced his work, including one of his most famous poems, ‘A Man’s a Man for a’ That’, which was notably performed at the opening of the Scottish Parliament in 1999." (www.heraldscotland.com)
Join us on Saturday, February 1, 2025 for the annual celebration of This famous Scottish Mason. Enjoy a Scottish dinner, entertainment, and a silent auction. The fun begins at 5PM! Reservation deadline is January 28. Don't wait. Use the QR code or click this link to make your reservation today!
All proceeds benefit the RiteCare Childhood Language Center of San Diego. Suggested donation is $50.
The Scottish Rite Center
Enjoy some photos of the Scottish Rite Center as it came to life over years of planning and construction. We will add more as each room is furnished and begins to fulfill its purpose.
We expect this building to serve the San Diego Masonic community for a very long time.
Be a Perfect Donor
Learn more about the Perfect Donor Program and how you can make a difference in the life of a child